the way it ends makes no sense and they don't even try to offer up an explanation since there is possible way that a sub stuck in 1943 and on the bottom with no batteries in 200ft of water could possibly magically end up back in 2014 and above water where some guy opens their hatch and climbs down into the sub and then gives back a tablet computer which still powers up after 40 years when my tablet won't power up after three years on same battery. He then claims that the info on this tablet allowed them to win WW2 which as I remember we already won when we dropped the bomb in japan twice... and the laptop had no mention of atomic bomb or physics or whatever. I mean most time travel movies stretch the suspension of disbelief but they all follow simple time travel do's and don't which this movie's writer apparently never took note of... and the characters in this movie were all never developed or even established at all, not to mention the poor dialog which as I already mentioned could have been written by a 10 year old for a one night homework assignment to be generously rewarded with a C- if the teacher was in a generous mood or perhaps an illiterate. I gave this movie 1 star because I couldn't give it a half star or a quarter star which is what it deserves. Don't waste your time with this movie unless you need lessons on how not to write a screenplay or what not to do when making a movie about time travel. It doesn't even deserve this lengthy write-up which is far more entertaining than the movie itself if I do say so myself.