Directed by Aaron Fradkin and co-written by Aaron Fradkin and Victoria Fratz Fradkin, the latest horror feature combines (what they claim to be) "found footage" with (again what they claim to be) traditional narrative to create a downright terrifying story that spans decades.
After 82 minutes of watching I found their claims to be false! This half-baked horror film covers over six tumultuous decades, three unwitting guests of a cursed New England home who all stumble upon a sinister secret dwelling beneath its floors-an eternal witch with an insatiable thirst for the souls of the living! Do not ask any questions like Why and How, only When, Where and Who answers were there!
Beezel is out on VOD... and I hope it stays there forever... for suckers like me who expected so much more! Than a film shot in the director's childhood house recollecting his childhood nightmares as scares in the film.