"Commander" (Komandir), directed by Aleksandr Guryanov and Timur Khvan, is a compelling exploration of the life of a Soviet Army colonel, skillfully divided into two distinct parts: the protagonist's childhood and his later years in military service. The screenplay, crafted by the directing duo alongside Tatyana Guryanova, offers a thoughtful narrative that captures the complexities of growing up in a tumultuous era and the subsequent challenges faced in adulthood.
The film shines in its portrayal of childhood, where the innocence and struggles of youth are depicted with a certain authenticity. The young actor delivers a commendable performance, embodying the character's youthful spirit and vulnerability. The cinematography during this segment is particularly striking, evoking a sense of nostalgia that resonates with the audience.
As the story transitions to the colonel's later years, the film maintains a steady pace, though it occasionally feels like it loses some of the emotional depth established in the earlier scenes. Vadim Andreev and Evgeniy Antonov provide solid performances, bringing to life the complexities of military life and the burdens of leadership. However, the narrative sometimes leans towards predictability, which may leave viewers yearning for a more nuanced exploration of the character's internal conflicts.