This one is a fever dream, unlike the other games in a lot of ways. It puts in a shocking little bit of effort, despite the games still low quality. The areas are still way too large to be a kindergarten, with the game taking place in a whole other area compared to the second game, with multiple sectors that have the lights always render, but nothing else. The main problem with the game is how much it STALLS FOR TIME, there are things you NEED to do that take way to long since the Euphoric brothers want your money and not your refund, another one is a section before a BOSSFIGHT, in which you have to open around 10 doors, and if you die after you beat the boss? You have to OPEN. EVERY. DOOR. AGAIN. Moving from big area to big area takes time, tutorials take time to explain what you need to do before you even do it. THe good thing about this one is that it's kinda just a fever dream. I think The Euphoric Brothers finally realized that Garten of Banban as a game franchise is seen as a meme, as they put in an incredibly out of place sequence in which stinger flynn is driving a car with Opila Bird in the passengers seat, captain fiddles, you, and Banban in the back, with BanBan making a SKYRIM reference. I was actually coughing,I was laughing that hard. I hope that this game takes the franchise in a new, more meta and humorous direction. EUPHORIC BROTHERS. MAKE IT A MEME. DON'T FIGHT IT. IT WOULD BE FUNNY.