I used to be a big reality tv fan but rarely anymore do I find any I like as they're all vanity,fakeness and staged, whilst bits here were to , similar to afraid of the dark some of the moments were clear and quite moving so made a really good show.
Great mix of people, I'd heard of a few, ironically saw David, Chloe and kerry on a coach trip, so I was probably 50/50 on who I knew, but you make snap judgement and the majority your wrong about, one dropout early was probably the one you'd predict looking at them, like most "celebs" these days they exploit subjects very well to deflect.
There were stars here, MVP,Olga were the two biggest, you really see a change and they end up so different to what you'd expect. Olga especially was a great watch, kerry had a few staged bits, David was hilarious, Martin, toby and others all had stronger episodes so was great to watch. The treatments were insane in parts and the people doing some were questionable but like we saw in 2020, anyones an expert.
There was one who tore the group and eventually we agreed we misjudged her, Chloe, I think we thought she's not bright but I think she is, except 2 small parts on the last episode, most of the chat was fake, staged and didn't feel remotely genuine, she felt more of a hood actor playing along, as anything she did she just overreacted to, I don't blame her as she has a small window of fame with few options. She seems hilarious but my gut said the rest was just a plan that'll get her attention and mauve into big brother or another show, saying your Bi is huge but also it's impossible to prove or be caught out so it's perfect. Not convinced on Chloe but the rest was great.