So I love the warhammer pc games and played over a 1000 hours of total warhammer games. Played the table top a bit and PnP warhammer. But I must say that I got no idea what is going on.
Never head about the series before I watched it and thought at first it was 30-40k.
It starts with flashback or flash forward with a group that you know nothing about, fighting aginst them self as nurgle infected?
I fell like a missed the first episode and I'm watching one of the last ones.
If you're not a hard core book read of warhammer fantasy then I don't think you will get anything out of it.
I only watch the first but don't really fell like watching more of something that makes less sense the LOST did :S
Might look into it if a youtuber can explain wtf is going on and why I should care about the charterers :S.