Plan a wedding in less than a month with bride and groom abandoning her manager and the wedding planner. This includes the planner, Rachel, picking and modeling the wedding dress. The planner is a good 4-6 inches taller, her chest is much larger and in fact her entire build is much stockier and her complexion and hair style are totally different. The bride, Susan is a total flake so it is good for the movie that her on-screen time is limited.
All this to have an excuse to have the estranged high school sweethearts work together on a common project. Behind that plot thread is Rachel's lingering grief over her late mother who had always been the center of Christmas celebrations for her. I can't say the movie is convincing about how things end up with Logan and Rachel. The romance between them gets shortchanged in this movie by all the other stuff. Rachel's grief gets a lot of that.
I didn't see the ending coming partly because it was so ridiculous I would never have considered it.
Most of the acting is average but there is one scene with Mary Antonini doing a very poor job of breaking down emotionally. Kelley Jackle always has an overly enthusiastic smile on her face.
There are several songs performed by a number of talented artist/actors playing the main characters. I didn't recognize most of them so I assume they were original. Without the songs, this movie is mediocre.
Pet peeve not really related to the movie - you can look at stars and especially a meteor shower while you are sitting in the middle of a ton of lights.