This show is based on the Ramapough Mountain "Indians" also known as the "Jackson Whites", who are a likely European/African mixed race ethnic group located in the Ramapo Mountains of Mahwah, (Northern) NJ. Their "tribal" headquarters can be found on Stag Hill Road in Mahwah. The group is currently seeking Federal recognition as a Native American "tribe" (Lenape) but so far have refused to submit to DNA testing to verify their heritage, which previous scientific investigations have shown to be baseless. They are most likely decedents of an unlikely pairing of Hessian deserters and escaped African slaves during the Revolutionary war.
While the show has both Native American and mixed race actors, in real life their appearances look closer to a mixed race heritage. For more information look up the article, "Strangers on the Mountain" from The New Yorker on March of 2010.
Their choice as a plot device is both unique and refreshing. The Ramapough "Indians" have made another recent appearance in the film; "Out of the Furnace" with Woody Harrelson's character 'Harlan DeGroat'. DeGroat (a Dutch not Native American name) is a common last name among them in real life.
Overall the show does a good job getting the setting and atmosphere right (winding mountain roads, ATVs, mountain bungalows etc...), with Momoa fitting the role well. I only wished they had actually filmed this in NJ but the Georgia mountains look spot on. Definitely worth giving it a shot, as it looks to have potential.