I am a fan of period dramas, and have set "Downton Abbey" as the golden standard. Naturally, that means I am very interested in titles by Julian Fellows, and have seen at least a few of them. When I watched "Belgravia", I thought it was a lightweight compared to "Downton Abbey". Whereas the characters in "Downton" are complex and well developed, the characters of "Belgravia" seemed a bit charicatured and simplified. There were the good guys on one side, and the bad ones on the other. The whole plot seemed a bit like an ordinary fairytale, and it was easy to guess where everything would end up.
Now, I started watching the spin-off show straight after finishing the original show, and was very pleasantly surprised. The characters all seem more complex than in the previous show, and there are more side plots, just like we saw in "Downton Abbey". The "downstairs" party are much more complete characters than the ones in the first part of "Belgravia", and I find myself interested in their backstories. Much more to work with for the writers, and I can easily see a continuance for this show.
I am seriously puzzled that so many hate this season compared to the original. Do most people prefer the lightweight, straight forward story with few surprises in store? I find that hard to believe. Yes, this season is much more subtle, and keep its mysteries for a longer time, but I completely disagree about the notion that the main character has the personality of a "block of wood". He is contained, troubled and melancholy. He tries to open up now and again, but struggles with himself. I think the actor is doing a clever job of a character that is hard to portray.