"Hiding In Plain Sight" is a socially conscious, accurate, well acted, written and directed film by rising indie film director M. Legend Brown. It tells the true-to-life story of a working class family of four. The film recants the tribulations of the Blackmon family, a middle class, educated working family who fall on hard times and through the cracks of our American society. Without making a political statement or blaming anyone, it tells the real life drama currently playing out in our cities and communities to real-life families. It is shown via engaging and compelling characters in a narrative style format. Performances - Along with a great and charming turn by film and television icon, Irma P. Hall, a solid performance by lead actor Kelly O'Neil Jackson with an exceptional, break-out performance for newcomer Sharice Henry Chasi in the role of Josephine Blackmon. In total, Hiding In Plain Sight, is definitely a must watch!