[Amy and Rory are asleep in bed when the Tardis materialises outside their bedroom door, the Doctor enters the room and Amy and Rory wake with a start]
The Doctor: [covers his eyes] Ah! Stop everything!
Rory Williams: [startled] What's going on?
Amy Pond: [startled] Doctor! Bedroom!
[the Doctor uncovers his eyes]
Rory Williams: [very firmly] We have a *rule* about the bedroom!
The Doctor: [talking very fast] No one on this planet is safe right now. We have to solve this before it's too late! Get your clothes on! If we move fast enough, we at least stand a chance and you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?
Amy Pond, Rory Williams: [in unison] No.
The Doctor: [very annoyed] Oh Helmet Regulator *again*!
[the Doctor exits the bedroom]
The Doctor: [calls back] Too early! Wrong point! As you were!
Amy Pond: [annoyed] Doctor! You can't just *go* like that? What's happening? Don't *we* need to know?
[the Doctor comes back in]
The Doctor: [quietly] Popped up in the wrong order. Easy mistake to make. Nothing to alarm you. Forget I was ever here. I'll be back soon enough I would've thought. Everything's fine... pretty much. Don't worry about the future. The future's really...
[numerous very fast clips of the Doctor and his companions facing peril are seen]
The Doctor: ...safe. Really, *really* safe. Sleep well.
[the Doctor leaves the bedroom, closes the door and the Tardis is heard dematerialising]
Rory Williams: [remarks] I *really* hate it when he does that.