While the action is often more interesting and well choreographed than your average American action film, the low budget and simplistic nature of this really brings it down.
There's not really anything to sink your teeth into, storyline and characters wise. The main characters wife is kidnapped in the same scene she's introduced in, so that gives you an idea of how much they care to develop the relationship between the two. The action is pretty much bloodless and often includes some awkward and obvious wire work. They clearly tried their best with not much of a budget, but it's hard not to notice, especially in some of the more sparse and cheap looking locations they shot the film in. It's not poorly done, just lacking in anything that would make it memorable.
Not recommended unless you're on a mission to watch lesser seen action films. It's 67 minutes, so it doesn't overstay its welcome.
(Also posted on Letterboxd)