After the first four episodes and I am gob-smacked. It has been a long time since I have been so excited by a BBC drama & so refreshing to have it set in the present. No costumes, and no history lessons needed to be able to appreciate the emotions coursing through the characters as they cope with the manic plot twists. I say manic, but they remain believable nonetheless as plausible drama's we could all have happen in our lives. More surprising is that the rate of storytelling. Every second and every facial expression is made to count, but this never intrudes on the - real life time feel of the piece. If I have made Last Tango in Halifax sound mundane- it is not it is bonkers. For me the 'what on earth is going to happen next' factor is the biggest draw. But each scene on its own is already a mini stand alone story. If that is down to the quality of the acting the scene play or the production I cannot say. Last Tango is utterly absorbing and I cannot wait for more. (vote 9 in stead of 10 because of the spoiling spoilers at the end of the episode)