So boring, so unfunny. Though it seems to be a spinoff from Inkmaster it somehow is better and it still sucks. It's better because there's no c-list celebrities (Dave Navarro) but there's cheap, cheap manufactured comedy, the hosts (besides the main one) are pretty lame. The big Mexican guy especially. Calls the women 'girl' in a really forced way.
The 'skits' are almost unbearable. So cheap. but that's the name of the game with reality TV - especially on the Paramount Network. Forced drama, unfunny, typical comedy and the embarrassing stories and degradation of the clients on the show really makes me wonder why anyone would watch this show; the tattoos rarely come out better and they don't teach anything about the craft.
This Paramount Network reality TV crap all sucks and I hope they get rid of this channel. Do at least this one's better than ink Master and that other one they got.