... for some of the celebrities. Some of them look completely clueless, giving ridiculous answers to really easy clues. And when they don't do that, they don't pay enough attention to the clue.
You have to understand these clues are WAY dumbed down and some of the celebrities STILL can't perform. The show tried to make them look good, and failed.
However, a few of the celebrities are well-rounded people just like most contestants and fans, and can drive through some of the contestant categories showing that at least THEY have as much common knowledge as anyone you might know. LOL
We've seen through the second semi-final round, and so far both people who advanced to the final did a decent job on the show.
And yes, a FEW of the celebrities act out so much they make utter fools of themselves thinking they're cute but really just annoying the hell out of most viewers. Thankfully, all of those lost ... mostly by WIDE margins.