Young and Wild is a chaotic look at a teen girl's life as she struggles to find her identity personally, religiously, and sexually. I might have been more intrigued by it if the main character wasn't so obnoxious. Throughout the film she is entirely self-centered and does nothing to redeem herself in any satisfying way. I know there are teens who behave this way, in fact many would say this kind of self-centeredness is a defining characteristic of the teenage years, but I don't particularly want them as the protagonist of a film I'm watching. It's kind of infuriating how her continued selfish exploration of her own wants and needs begins by alienating her family, then proceeds to tear into the people she "loves." There were some interesting ideas to explore, particularly when it came to her dilemma over her confused sexual desires, but it wasn't handled all that well. The end of the film was easily the most infuriating part. It seems to just skew off in a strange direction for no logical reason, and then lacks a satisfying resolution for anyone. And, if I'm honest, the overt sexuality of the film isn't exactly my cup of tea either. I think Young and Wild could have been good, but didn't live up to its potential.