Oh gee-whiz! Schinkes! Klasky-Csupo John Kricfalusi Joe Murray Donovan Cook Genndy Tartovsky Craig McCracken John R. Dilworth Van Partible Danny Antonucci Greg Miller Butch Hartman Rob Renzetti Bob Boyle Mr Warburton Maxwell Atoms Jan Van Rijselberge! My eyes!!!! My brain!!!! By popular demand, welcome to "Matthew Rants". What happened when Cartoon Network showed cartoons that were funny, creative, imaginative, fun and exciting. When they were pleasant to look at and listen to. The stories were easy to follow. These days they are eyesores and ear-graters. I just don't understand why cartoons these days have messed up story lines, ugly characters, bad animation, irritating voices and grotesque designs. Have you seen THE HUNGER GAMES, the rich folks out there look beautiful, they milk up the beauty and mess around with the style until it is not beautiful, it's ugly. Look at Lady Gaga she looks trashy. How can something awful be praised. It's like the stupid gets rewarded and the smart gets punished. Parents, keep this away from the kids. Kids, save your brain cells, watch Boomerang or CARTOON PLANET. Here's a recommendation T.U.F.F. PUPPY. (I don't know why IMDb bashes T.U.F.F. PUPPY, but read my review, because it's clever and awesome.) Now if you can excuse me, I better hide. I think I see an angry mob of fan-boys coming.