This is a TV movie based on the comic by Osamu Tezuka called "Blackjack". Blackjack is a unlicensed doctor with super skills, and can perform surgery that no one else can do. This attracts many unusual patients from all walks of life.
The story is like a prologue of the entire Blackjack saga. It tells the story of how Blackjack became Blackjack. How he got the patch on his face, what was his family like etc. The movie is entertaining even if you didn't know anything about the comic, but even more so if you knew the Blackjack character beforehand.
Overall they did a good job of creating a story that can hold its own, while telling the origin story of Blackjack. It's a made for TV movie, so is of a low budget nature, but acting and directing was okay as a whole. Reiisa Naka stands out for her acting ability. I'm not sure if this is just her character or her acting, but she always seem to be able to communicate well what's going on with the story.
Take a look at this movie to find out about one of the best known comic book character in Japan.