I just watched this accidentally and geez this is one thing i might have regretted my whole life if missed! From start to end, this series will keep you tight and unpredictable like no other. If i am not wrong "Shawn Doyle" does a very fabulous job with his role. Which of course will cause lots of laughter and plot twists which i admit "like never before seen on a drama"(you might prefer CSI already did this kinda job, but NO! it never did that on a humors way like this series does!) without a slight bit of boring sequence...
In fact, Watching an episode of this drama will sink the time faster just like watching an episode of "Game Of Thrones"....
Trust me, This will be the "Thing" that you seek on to be in a plot solving series if i am not wrong...
Just give it a try will ya! I'm sure you'll never regret watching it!