Too many contradictions he told in this 1.5 hours. Is it okay to stand up comedian can say contradict things because it's joke? No. Even lets say it's fiction charecter. Even this charecter should keep a line. Contradictions: "I can't take vacations. It was 1985 last time I went vacation." After this statement he tells jokes happened while he was vacationing on 3 millions euro cost yacht. And he claims he is very an average income guy. Jerry Seinfeld, Lewis C. K they talk about money too in their shows but never claims they average Joe. They say they are rich. If someone telling you lies for sake of jokes it's insulting.
His take on the people who wish to help others if they win lottery " if you are a good person what are you doing at lottery ticket line". I didn't know that buying lottery ticket makes you bad.
A lot of complaining / jokes about his fans who try to talk to him or take a selfie with him. Jokes are funny if you can get common ground and so you can say "yea it happened to me or I witness same situation. So no one has these problems. Obviously he lost touch with common people.