If you get your science updates from the back of a cereal box, and your ability to discern truth from a Magic 8 Ball, then this movie is for you. Tokenism is running amok as the yarn is presented with the point of view of only the white Christian perspective and those from another cultural background are as flat and two dimensional as the plot and it's unfounded but humorous scientific 'melding". This film will appeal to those who want to believe that they are seeing beyond the Biblical errors, but a true deep thinker will only shake their head and ask for their money back from the theater. If C. Thomas Howell had changed a few lines and scenes, the film would have come across as a parody instead of simply a silly adventure to explain what does not exist. Creationism is not based on science, and well funded propaganda like this to justify the notations of 2000 year old nomads, to fit modern science theory and fact is a wasted effort.