I kept asking myself throughout the movie wether Jennifer Lopes character was adapted for her or if Jennifer Lopes adapted to the character.
The story is that there is a war between humanity and a rogue AI. We get to follow Jennifer Lopes character attempting to destroy the rogue AI.
There is a lot of dialogue between what is portraited as the good AI and Jennifer Lopes character and this is where the problem happen in my opinion. Her character is so immature, entitled and emotional that it ruins the movie. This is because it isnt believable that someone of high intellect would act like that and its just annoyying to watch.
The dialogue between Jennifer Lopes character and the good AI also seems like an advertisement for AI because the movie is portraiting the good AI as a loyal human friend.
The best part of the movie is Mark Strongs acting and character. He has a small role but does it well.
The CGI is great and camera, music and sound is just fine. So you will experience some nice sci fi watching this.
6/10 For the CGI.