The sadistic members of a villainous family return to their childhood home, which has since been sold, and terrorize the new home owners and their guests.
Right off the bat, I have to give full credit to Rebecca DeMornay. She knows crazy, and she knows how to make it both believable and intense. Despite any flaws this film may have, I find it hard to imagine anyone faulting DeMornay for her role.
Also, I have to say this is a noticeable improvement over the Troma version. I love Troma, and there are enough differences that this could be seen as a different movie rather than a remake, but the production value and professional cast involved made this a top-notch film.
That being said, the film's biggest problem is its length. Running almost two hours, the plot is far too simple for such a length. Cut ten or fifteen minutes out, speed up the pacing, and you have a good film. I kept thinking the confrontations were too long -- get down to it already. I have to admit I lost interest near the end...