What a great movie!
The storyline is strong and emotional. It's a heartbreaking drama that depicts the cruelty in the streets of Istanbul and the devestating effect in peoples lives when a little boy is searching for his mother with the help of an older man.
The scenery, photography and music are great helping the viewer dive in the story as well with the amazing cast!!!
CATAGAY ULUSOY once again proved that he is more than a handsome man.... That most of all he is an amazing skilled actor! He easily transforms in each character he's been given throughout his carrer (do watch movie DELIBAL and series ICERDE- you won't regret it!!!).
In this story Ulusoy is giving a very expressive, intense performance of Mehmet, a man who suffers illness, sadness, pain and anger, unable to come in peace with the ghosts of his past, creating in his head a few moments of happiness as a getaway.
This movie is a true masterpiece and deserves an OSCAR!!! ULUSOY deserves an oscar!!!
The hole cast is amazing supporting the main character with their pure talent in an also amazing production! The end of the movie really left me speechless with an amazing twist final. I felt the pain and despair of the characters and i just cried my eyes out!!!