In Las Vegas, the powerful three hundred year old vampire Sylvian (Toni Todd) hires Dr. van Helm (Delia Sheppard) to research a cure to survive in the sun. She uses three vampire women as guinea pigs to test the serum in the desert and a couple that is camping witnesses the failure and calls the police. Detective Stanton (Ted Monte) and his partner Detective O'Hara (Gigi Erneta) are assigned to investigate the case. Meanwhile, Jason (Edward Spivak), who is going to marry Rachel (Sonya Joy Sims), and two friends travel to Las Vegas for his bachelor party with a couple of strippers, but the women are actually vampires that attack them. Out of the blue, Rachel and her friend Nikki (Brandin Rackley) decide to travel to Las Vegas to surprise her boyfriends. The group is captured by Sylvian that uses them to feed the pack vampires and test the new research.
"Vampire in Vegas" is one of the worst vampire movies I have ever seen. The story is silly and the acting is so bad that becomes hilarious. Toni Todd lures the viewers working in this awful movie. Fortunately most of the "actors" and "actresses" are young and have time to make a reflection and chose another profession and business to survive. In the end, this movie that happens in Vegas, should have stayed in Vegas, preferably buried or burnt. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): "Vampiro em Vegas" ("Vampire in Vegas")