This is not a series for those who want a fast moving plot and lots of action. The English is a slow burn, beautifully shot and wonderfully acted, with a story that develops gradually over the six episodes. Chaske Spencer is absolutely spellbinding as Eli Whipp, the Indian scout who accompanies the always excellent Emily Blunt as she traverses the American Midwest on her revenge mission. I expect to see much, much more of him after this. Rafe Spall is also outstanding playing a particularly awful character, while I feel Tom Hughes - who is also very good - is perhaps let down a little by the only part that lacked a proper resolution. This is not a happy series, quite miserable at times and often very nasty, but it still uplifting in its own way. A Western series (ironically, shot in Spain) that, while very different, compares to Unforgiven for its feeling of reality.