This Icelandic drama is set in and around Vik, a small town in the shadow of Katla, a volcano that has been erupting for about a year, threatening the town. Most of the inhabitants have evacuated but a few remain, this includes those scientists investigating the volcano. One day something strange happens; a woman is found. She is naked but black from head to toe with ash. After the ash is cleaned off she gives her name and it matches that of a Swedish woman who was in Vik twenty years previously. It can't be her though as she is alive and well in Sweden... she does look like a younger version of that woman and appears to have her memories. She isn't the last person to be found in such a state; each of them appear to be a copy of somebody; some alive others dead. The people of Vik will have to come to terms with the arrivals and establish whether they are a danger or not.
I really enjoyed this series. It had a great setting; the black, ash covered landscape made an interesting change to the usual white snow or green landscapes of Icelandic dramas. We are quickly introduced to key characters before the first ash-coated person turns up. There is a great sense of mystery about just who and what they really are with suggestions of sci-fi and folkloric origins. The make-up for these people is very impressive. At only eight episodes in length the series neither drags nor feels rushed. The cast does a fine job bringing the various characters to life. When the series reaches its conclusion there are still questions to be answered; perhaps we will get another season but to be honest I enjoyed the ambiguous end and don't think more is needed, of course I'd watch if there is more. There is some violence, one case in particular is quite shocking. Overall an impressive drama that I'd certainly recommend.
These comments are based on watching the series in Icelandic with English subtitles; a dubbed version is also available.