Devil May Cry: The Animated Series is an anime adaptation that focuses on the day-to-day life of our loveable demon hunting protagonist, Dante. But even though the games are very action-packed, this anime is more of a drama with the occasional action. The sole purpose of this anime is to build the world of the Devil May Cry universe, which it does fairly well. But it's not perfect.
Due to the show's budget, some episodes feel inconsistent. Action set pieces feel low-effort at times, and the stakes aren't quite as compelling. Most episodes try to cram in action and character drama, which makes both elements feel a bit underdeveloped. But when an episode follows one direction and idea, such as being a solely action-packed OR character driven episode, these episodes end up feeling more fleshed out and enjoyable.
The characters, both introduced via this anime and from the game, are entertaining and compelling to watch. Character development is subtle & snappy, yet organic. The anime moves at a decently fast pace, but still manages to flesh out its characters and most of its plotlines.
Overall, the Animated Series is a great set of side stories for those who are already into the Devil May Cry franchise and universe. At times, it's almost akin to the Devil May Cry novels. Although, it doesn't have the thematic or character depth that said novels possess. Unfortunately, outsiders to the series might not fully enjoy or understand this show, as it requires some basic knowledge of the Devil May Cry universe to truly get a grasp of the stories being told here. And while the show isn't perfect, even for established fans of the series, it's purpose and existence is justified.