We have all heard about little old ladies hoarding animals until last breath is taken, well this is the kind of story it is, not dead, but well on its way.. its a film made on low sound and film quality, with bad light setting. but that doesnt nescesarily make it a bad film, but it wont comprehend it either. its made on a homemade budget, its a sitting by the kitchentable one lazy sunday afternoon knitting coffee and drinking socks idea.
its a one woman show, as its about a woman who does a civil service sentence after a dui, at a small animals clinic.she is lonely, not particularly healthy, has a daughter that wont take her calls. so a dog is taken home and its love all the time. as time goes by its spins totally out of control...
its the typical news reel narrative hanging on this story, its acted as expected, no hippei hay hey on the corner, its just a plain story at plain speed, and its best to watch if you have strange thoughts about aging and death, or do have a great affection for animales minores. i saw it, im grumpy and old and have 2 chinese powder puffs, the hottest animal on earth, and have not a wish to expand my herd, so its a small recommend.