Not only jumped it, rocketed over the cattle-mutilated mystery shark-shaped apparition in a top secret military paranormal ghost time-traveling alien spacecraft.
Season one was an intelligent revisit to the kinds of "mysteries" that have kept Ancient Aliens on the air for eighteen seasons. The host would visit these "mysteries" and debunk them through a combination of common sense and logical reasoning. It was intelligent.
Intelligence is in short supply these days and this show used up its allotment, so late in Season one and now in Season two the show started treating the audience with contempt by presenting as fact the standard "mystery" tripe: baseless claims, wishful thinking, honest mistakes, and the usual gang of say-anything-for-a-buck pseudo-experts with made up qualifications the producers of these kinds of shows have on speed dial.
Eight stars for season one up until the final few episodes where they started pairing the once credible Jennifer with a deluded believer in whatever they were investigating. No stars for season two, which is an embarrassingly forced cartoony rehash of Ancient Alien Skinwalker Ranch Ghost Adventure Scooby Doo. The average is four stars, so, four stars.