Looking at the images of Victoria Beckham in the magazines, it's easy to think she is - as she puts it - a miserable cow. But for someone who is constantly being photographed with a sour, snooty look on her face, she actually has quite a sense of humour and a dry wit.
This show follows Victoria as she prepares for the move to America. She goes house shopping, learns to drive, meets a cruel website journalist and practises what to do in an earthquake. Through it all we get to see another side of Victoria, the wisecracking, media savvy woman who seems to genuinely care about and miss her family who are still in Spain.
The most unexpected thing we see in this show is Victoria's ability to poke fun at herself and not be too serious - a complete departure from the image of her we see in the media.
A very funny and entertaining show, and keep an ear out for some of the great one-liners from Victoria...
(Talking about Britney and Paris): "There's a few girls around here that go out without knickers on....you know....why do they do that???"
"It looks like someone with extremely bad taste threw up in here."
(Being pulled over for a driving offense): "I was completely shocked and devastated because I was wearing flat shoes... I didn't know whether to pose or get arrested"
"Let me get myself miserable before we go out."
"It's exhausting being fabulous..."