Funny and moving, in different parts and just really appealing. Who doesn't like boy-and-his-dog stories? Well, with this interesting sci-fi twist it adds humor and adventure and makes the story more than the usual.
Definitely one of the funniest things is what he IMAGINES the 'dog' can do versus the reality. (You'll have to watch to find out.) My family and I were laughing our heads off.
I accidentally rented this, not realizing it would be in a foreign language. I do not speak Cantonese, but I don't think this effected my enjoyment to a great degree. And it didn't effect my children's enjoyment either, as I read the subtitles aloud to them and we laughed along to much of the movie together.
There were a couple moments that I thought were lame, but they didn't weigh down the otherwise great acting and inventive script.
It was completely worth my time and I'd absolutely watch it again. (And by the way, non-Cantonese parents, this is a way you may not have thought of before, to show your children that reading can be fun. We may do it again, and this time on purpose!)