How exactly do I sum up kanon? It has a lot of things going for it and I really enjoyed just as much as I think a lot of people will. But the question that I'm asking myself is, is it a masterpiece? The plot meanders around a bit in Kanon but unlike other shows where I will criticise this for I can see that Kanon wasn't necessarily used to create a plot. It was made for the viewers to experience something a little different. They seem to have some sort of a plot going for the first 2-3 episodes where our main character Yuichi Aizawa returns to a little town which he used to spend most of his childhood in but the thing is he doesn't seem to remember much about the town aside from his cousin Nayuki and his aunt Akiko. While spending time in the town he encounters some girls that are all connected with his past and the more time he spends time with them the more he remembers about his past. So the plot goes into arcs with each girl getting about 5 episodes with Yuichi spending time with them and helping them out with problems in their lives. Now you might be sitting there reading this thinking that it doesn't sound that good and you may be right but it isn't exactly about that. It's about how Kanon delivers this to us. The one thing that stands out to me about Kanon is how they deliver this simple idea and turn it into something emotional. I'm not gonna lie I did end up crying a couple of times during Kanon. Mainly because it addresses a few depressing themes. It tackles stuff from self-harm, suicide and disease. But Kanon isn't all about the depressing stuff it does have comedic moments thrown in at times. Personally I think just that should tell you that you should watch this show.
The characters are fantastic and none of them are the same. You have varying characters with all sorts of different personalities. There is the energetic character, the attention seeking character, there is also a character that is intentionally made bland because they want to add a mystery persona about there and they succeed in it. I wasn't that fond of the dub however. There wasn't that much wrong with how the lines were delivered or anything it's just the voice actors in general. They all seem like pretty good voice actors it's just that I didn't really think their voices matched with the characters. I personally preferred the sub version.
The animation is similar to my thoughts of Bunny Drop's animation. Mostly the animation seems good and the animation adds something more to the characters called moe. It makes me like the characters even more with the animation that they're given. I know that that may sound a bit strange but if you watch just one episode of Kanon you will know what I mean. However I did notice sometimes in the show that sometimes the animation stuttered a bit but overall it was good.
Like Bunny Drop there isn't much I can say about the sound in Kanon as unlike other animes there isn't much action (there's like 5 episodes of some sort of action.) The sound that is used in Kanon though is good. That's all I can say about it because there ism't much to talk about it was just good.
I highly recommend Kanon to everybody I know it misses a few marks off of me because of a couple of flaws it has. I would say give it a miss if you can't stand disturbing or depressing themes though.