I guess that the producers really had learned their lesson with part 1, the use of CGI was a complete letdown in part 1 but here we have a real boogeyman. It is even so that the boogeyman is more a real killer which gives us the fact that we are in the era of the slashers. The start of the movie learns us that two children witness the killing of both parents. The boy was already afraid and guessed that it was the boogeyman due the fact that the killer was never captured. For that reason they watched the children closely in psychiatry. Next stop, 10 years later. The boy tells his sister that he has to go. His sister is back in therapy but suddenly one after one people in her neighborhood get killed. She suspect the boogeyman is back in business. Once the killings start it's old school slasher style. I have seen the 93 minutes version in stead of the European version and I can say that the unrated version isn't afraid by showing the killings. It's mostly done in a bloody way or sometimes even in a gory way. The fact that the effects used are without CGI makes it all worth watching. It is also funny to see Tobin Bell as Dr Mitchell. I guess the director made an ode to SAW by putting in a device to rip open a chest. Anyway, Bell is excellent as all others who are really believable. You can guess easily who's the killer but the plot change gives it all worth watching. And for the ones wandering if all elements are in it to say it's a slasher, yes, Chrissy Griffith does show her milky ways in close up a few times. Sadly, part 3 was back to the imagination of the boogeyman in CGI, but the red stuff made it second best.