I grew up with Crusader Rabbit and was entering junior high school when Rocky and Bullwinkle first debuted. I honestly believe that "Penguins" is as close to Rocky as you can get as far as the humor is concerned. The humor in Penguins is classic and the I have recorded and watched every episode over and over again. The seriousness by which Kowalski comes up with his plans and "options" is hilarious when we see the final product which could have been drawn by a pre-schooler, or his inventions which are made up of sardine tins, etc. It's this type of humor that makes this so special. They think in adult terms but their actions are purely that of a child. It would eventually get boring without the other animals and the mix is just right for it to be effective. Julien's mastery of the English language is great. I really believe we have all known a Julien in our lives. The one person who knew it all and tried to command all the attention and notoriety while at the same time does not have a clue. Rico is perhaps my favorite character. The episodes with his girlfriend doll are great. My grandkids love "Penguins" and I get a kick out of watching them watch the show because it's obvious we are all getting something different from it. Great work. Keep it up.