schoepeo commented that "Hollywood ruined rugby". I don't know where or when you played rugby, but 2 of my sons played high school rugby in Arizona for a coach from New Zealand that played at the collegiate level and this movie represented high school rugby at it's best! The Flagstaff team represented the local Arizona Highland High School team that was known for it's illegal tackles and attempts to cheat and play gutter rugby. The Highland team represented my sons' team which played at a high level of integrity and grit. The rugby scenes reminded me of the many games I went to and videotaped for the team. The Hakka reminded me of the joy in my sons' eyes as they participated in it prior to each game. The hits, flips, crushes, etc. reminded me of the many bloody shirts I washed weekly for the team. The coach and his integrity, work ethic, rugby drills (including running with another player on your back - my sons' coach had them run UPHILL), and sense of giving back to the community reminded me of my sons' coach. This movie TRULY represented high school rugby and if it's not what you have experienced, you've missed the best rugby has to offer!