UNIHORN! (Name of my favorite Meaty episode.)
I don't have time to enumerate all the great aspects of this show (the fellow from St. Petersburg wrote 2000+ words, so rely on him). Mr. Meaty, as ugly and ungainly as it appears, is one of the funniest kids shows I have ever seen. The precision of the Valley speak parody is dead-on, even though the name of the mall, "Scaunchboro" conjures up something out of Rhode Island or suburban Boston.
Jimmy Neutron may have more clever quips per minute, but its stories do not resonate with the authenticity of Mr. Meaty. The mullet-ed teenagers and posturing mall rats bring a lot of California memories for me (born in LA, raised in Sacramento).
I will be grief-stricken if they do not bring back Mr. Meaty. And I'm 42.