Lets start by saying that this film was written, produced and directed by Patricia Arriaga Jordan, sister of Guillermo Arriaga ( very famous for his scripts of Amores perros, 21 grams and Babel). When I first read about this film I was looking forward to watch it in the cinema but it never got a theatrical release ( or if it did it was very limited) Now, that is such a shame because this movie is in many levels superior to other films that get more attention just because they are nominated for Oscars. This is a simple story in its structure but very complex and deep in character development.
Its one of those movies that truly stays with you, every single element of the movie is there for a reason, there is not a single bad scene on the movie. Performances ( specially Marisol Centeno) are real, moving and bi- dimensional).
It also has the virtue of not letting you know how its going to end. You think you know, but in the end turns to be something different and absolutely beautiful.
In a few words, this is an excellent film, a must see for all the people that says that there are no good Mexican movies. Definitely deserves more recognition. Kudos to everyone for this wonderful film