In this inaugural episode we are introduced to Detective Jack Frost who is living a life of pain, dealing with a wife who is terminal and a police captain who finds him a threat to the department, despite his great successes. We also meet a young man who is to become his partner as well as host of other characters. There are two focuses in this episode. The first involves a little girl who goes missing. Her mother is prostituting herself to make ends meet. Because her John comes late (so to speak), she fails to pick the girl up. Because the head detective has medical issues, Frost ends up with the case. We see both his compassion and his insightful way of investigating. There is a second case of a severed arm, handcuffed to a metal box (like the kind in a safe deposit box). This leads to an investigation of a thirty-year-old murder. At the same time Frost is dealing with his dying wife who is in the care of a woman. We understand that Frost has all he can do to involve himself. We know immediately that this is going to be a fun, complex series with great characters, good guys and villains, and intriguing cases.