This film is not just another TV show about the evils of using drugs, it clearing shows how drugs effect the brain and brings its victims into letting their bodies be used by anyone who wants you, both male and female. You begin to hate everyone, because you have lost control of your own soul and become clouded as to just what is Right and Wrong. In this film, Sharon Lawrence,(Martha Tod Dudman),"Nearing Grace",'05, does an outstanding performance as the mother to Augusta, (Mike Boorem),"Sleepover",'04. Martha loves her daughter dearly, however, there was a recent divorce which caused the mother to keep occupied most of time trying to make a living. Many people have divorces and
the family is split up, which does not mean you can let yourself go to hell. There is an old saying, "Watch Out For the Company You Keep"; if you want to be a part of the IN Crowd make real sure it does not taken you straight into the GUTTER. When you lose control of yourself to drugs, you could do anything to destroy your entire life and wind up locked up forever. This picture clearly pointed out that the big problem you have in life is the Face You See In The Mirror everyday.