[at a racial sensitivity seminar]
Marty Shonson: Well, I have definitely looked down the double-barrel of the racist shotgun... in that I was made fun of a lot when I was a youngster for
[pointing to his red hair]
Marty Shonson: the old cinnamon bush up top. And uh, you know they called me all kinds of names. You know: carrot top, cinnamon top, copper top, cheeto head, cheeto top, butt pirate, ginger snap.
Kevin Beekin: I don't think, uh..."butt pirate" is referring to your red hair. It's a slang for gay people.
Marty Shonson: I think it refers more to pirates being of Danish decent, the Vikings and whatnot, they were red-haired. And I think the "butt" part is just sort of adding insult to injury. You know, sort of a seaman taunt.
Tillie Sullivan: It becomes the pirate, the reference is it's referring to pillaging butts.