A surfer finds some cool spot in Mexico and calls his cousin Colin to come over. Colin brings two friends along one of whom is a guy called Lucky some sleazy loner loser who always carries a camera with him. His goal for this trip: to film a surf porno. Also along for the ride are Colin's prospective girlfriend Ashley and her superhot friend Rose.
During the trip we learn a couple of things about the kids who make some stops in Mexico and nearly get themselves in trouble. Once they arrive, the cousin and his group are gone. Their vehicles, a car and two motorcycles left there in disarray. Rose pretty quickly starts making her moves on Colin much to the annoyance of Ashley. While the guys go surfing, Lucky goes on an expedition filming what he finds along the way. Eventually he encounters a cliff at the bottom of which are dozens of skeletons and corpses. As he flees and turns his camera he catches a glimpse of some person or creature on the horizon. He also finds the camp where Colin's cousin was. Inside a tent he sees a bloody corpse. Strange things start happening as it gets darker and Lucky disappears.
The group splits up, Ashley and the other guy go to the closest town to get help and Rose and Colin stay behind to look for/wait for his cousin. At the town the two kids are told the story behind the surf spot and why the locals avoid it and why no tourists come out of there alive. There's a good background story involving the activities of a cult. Eventually the kids meet up again, although not all make it. The remaining ones will confront the attackers known locally as the Jackals.
This movie is quite good considering the budget. The sound and music are first rate. The look of the movie not so much- it has a discolored look to it with red/brown being overemphasized. A bizarre choice since it's all about beach and surfing. The acting is good. All characters are believable. Surfers may be fun guys but they are not interesting. The best character is Rose though and actress Joleigh Fioreavanti /Pulsonetti absolutely steals the show. She's hot and sexy and every scene sizzles when she's in it. It's hard to care for any of the remaining characters other than Lucky. The story is good, in particular the background to our creatures/zombies. There isn't much gore or action but the little there is is filmed well. Overall a fun horror movie that's slightly above average thanks to a good production effort and a sensational performance by Joleigh.