Pinoy Big Brother: Foreign garbage in our midst I can honestly say that Pinoy Big Brother is very comparable to the old Japanese and Korean buses that we see on EDSA: those rolling heaps of junk that barely worked, but are just another country's hand me down ready to give in anytime. I say this because of the allegedly ingenious Filipino TV writer's mind once again failed to come up with something fresh and profound for the viewers and instead, just copied a crap foreign reality show premise.
Like I said, the reality show PBB is something new to the Philippines, but it is in no way new to the other greater nations around us. In fact, the Big Brother reality show is so famous it has spawned infamy; with legions of haters around the world. And who can blame them? Firstly, reality shows are just glorified, commercial documentaries; or rather a "poor guy's documentary" wherein networks market upon how people react to certain extreme situations, expecting viewers to relate to the 'contestants' transforming their shallow feelings into instant TV ratings and cash in the process. Unfortunately, many are still taken in, but the real 'reality' will sink into their brains in no time.
Now, looking at PBB in the simplest perspective: what did I get from watching the reality show? Two things: (1) a chance to play someone important like a peeping tom to a group of people, and (2) watch them excitingly talk to each other and eat and sleep and take a bath, like ordinary people do. "Ooooh! Look! They're talking to each other! How exciting!" Yeeesh. My point is, how shallow can anybody get? This is truly a brand new low in Philippine TV programming.
Do you remember that jeepney sticker that goes: "Smart people talk about ideas; stupid people talk about other people"? PBB is exactly that and much more! Not only can the viewer get to talk about other people, the viewer gets to see them get naked and take a bath as well! Congratulations to the network. Once again, they discovered a new market using other people's faults and miseries. Congratulations also for glorifying the 'peeping Tom' and introducing to our great nation a different kind of sexual perversion.
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