The white palm is a catching movie about an athlete trying to face his talent, the environment and the faults he commits. You do not have to be a sport- lover to like this movie, it is about more: about life. The only way to face your faults is to jump for the next challenge and try it again. The main figure is a Hungarian sporter, who from his childhood trains to become an athlete. We can see the way how he formed to the personality he is: the cruel trainings from childhood, the family-background, and the whole environment, a socialistic world. The story goes in different time-zones: side by side we can follow the child Dongó and his challenges, as well as the young man Dongó in Canada, training the new generation and than trying again his luck. The beginning of the movie is a bit slow, but it gets faster and it just catches you already in the middle of the movie and does not let you relax until the end. This is also interesting, as is based on a true story, the athlete plays himself in the movie. I really liked it, so I suggest you to watch it. :)