Modern Men is a situational comedy that had the potential to become a fairly successful sitcom. Tim, Kyle and Doug are childhood friends who are at different stages in their lives when it comes to women, but they have one trait in common: They are clueless about the opposite sex. Desperation drives them to seek the help of Dr. Stangel, a renowned life coach.
One is a good guy, one is sleazy, one is recently divorced together they learn the ups and downs of having to be a modern man.
On the surface everything comes up mediocre as this show is plagued with typical sitcom plots that aren't exploring the concept of being a modern man. The life coach is also played as a plot point to get the boys to do things out of there comfort zone instead of being an actual character, although hints are shown at a stronger character which could have been later developed. If it weren't for the guys comedic chemistry, or the use of George Wendt as a comparison for out of date ideals this show wouldn't have been half as enjoyable.
If Modern Men were to have continued, I hope we would get to see the men evolve into functioning members of society, possibly even ironically marring women that showcase who they used to be. My vision for a finale would have had Kyle, Tim, and Doug all get married, visit the life coach for the final time and pass by 3 women acting similarly to them, and wishing them luck in their journey to be modern women.
All in all, Modern Men was a decent enough viewing experience which was able to make do the typical sitcom tropes with it's incredibly likable cast. It was a shame a channel merger had to cancel this show but man o man was this show fun.