If you've seen the original Sandlot movie, you will recognize numerous similarities in this sequel. The movie takes place ten years after the events of the first movie and revolves around a baseball team, which plays its games in the same sand lot as the original movie. The many similarities to the first film include a main character who is very fast, a chubby, curly-headed kid, and Mr. Mertle's dog, which plays a big role in the plot (again). In many ways, the movie is almost like someone found the old script and re-wrote it for a modern audience, changing the characters and story enough to make it a new movie, but keeping it similar enough to be true to the original story. If you're looking for an original piece that compliments the first one, this isn't really it. Like most sequels, this one tries to appeal to the audience of the original movie and takes few risks in covering any new territory, unless you count the inclusion of Sean Berdy as Sammy "Fingers" Samuelson, a deaf boy who provides an original comic distraction to the plot on more than one occasion.
Despite its similarities to the original, as a stand-alone piece, this is a nice little story and well worth watching, especially for the younger audiences who really liked the original Sandlot. If nothing else, the movie is entertaining and doesn't get bogged down with a complicated plot.