BakuRyuu Sentai Abaranger is a task force show which was made into Power Rangers DinoThunder. While PRDT was definitely good, Abaranger was incredibly different, and in many ways, better. In this version, "Dr. Oliver" is a lone warrior from an alternate Earth. "Conner" has an adorable niece and becomes more and more of a father to her as the series goes on. "Kira" is a little more girly and somewhat of a technical expert. "Ethan" is a chiropractor who has the attitude of a typical 6th ranger. "Trent" is a power hungry yet apathetic evil doctor and stays evil for a majority of the series, his Dino Morpher set to explode and destroy Tokyo. Things are much more hardcore and/or humorous in this version. (I actually saw Connor's Tyrano Staff EAT a Triptoid! TWICE!) The music is one of my favorite parts. The show begins with a theme that gets you psyched up for the episode and ends with a bouncy upbeat singalong. Elsa and Zeltrax are the same character, yet their rivalry with the Black Ranger remains. Also, the DinoZords can talk and have personalities of their own. If you liked Power Rangers DinoThunder, you'll love this one just as much, if not more. The featured team-ups, Hurricanger vs. Abaranger and Abaranger vs. Dekaranger, are far better than their PR versions with plots somehow unworthy of Disney programming. Bottom line: This is a great Sentai series and should satisfy fans of PR and Sentai alike.