"Three Marias (As Três Marias)" is a lush, highly stylized, operatic story that acts as if it's telling a traditional, mythic tale of thwarted love and violent revenge with lots of Biblical references, but in modern dress and cars in rural Brazil.
Medea comes to mind as an antecedent for the matriarch who sets in motion violent feelings and their brutal aftermath. The characters are types, not individuals, each representing a strong emotion, with much less seduction than I had anticipated by her "by whatever means necessary" instruction to her three titular daughters.
I thought I either wasn't following the chronology, let alone keeping the somewhat similar characters straight, or that the projectionist had mixed up the reels, until I realized that the repetitions were supposed to be ironic as destiny takes unanticipated turns.
The subtitles are full of misspellings and typos.