In a bleak alternate world where urban skateboarding miscreants live in a shanty-town of metal shipping cars, young musician Orpheus and beautiful dancer Eurydice are in love. Meanwhile, the evil forces of Hell(broadcasting to televisions everywhere on a pirate network) have set their sights on Eurydice, and intend to have her for their own.
Here we have a smartly made low-budget production, surprisingly well handled for an obviously very minor-league project, and the largely amateur cast performs acceptably. The post-punk, otherworldly mien is variably redolent of oddball cult titles like THE DARK BACKWARD, FORBIDDEN ZONE, and LIQUID SKY. I found myself quite enjoying SHREDDER ORPHEUS and all its skate-punk nihilism, despite its forgivable shortcomings.
Certainly not for all tastes, but a worthy watch for fans of off-road amateur obscurities - 5.5/10.