Psychos, a drama set in the psychiatric unit of a Scottish Hospital was a totally brilliant series. The title referred to the doctors, not the patients. Douglas Henshall as Dr Daniel Nash and Neve McIntosh as Dr Kate Millar played a mismatched pair of co-workers.Nash is a doctor whose life is in worse shape than his patients, whereas Millar is a committed and self assured junior doctor. Friends of mine involved in psychiatric work believed the series to be very realistic. Originally it was thought that this would run for a second series, sadly it was not meant to be. The series was criticized mainly for its title and also for its content. Last year I wrote to channel 4 and asked if they were going to release Psychos as a video. They replied they had no plans to do so.This is a great loss both to those who have never seen the series and to those who like me who would have loved to have seen it again.The series was originally broadcast first on a Wednesday evening and repeated on the following Saturday. Unfortunately it has not been repeated since.